We therefore ought to receive such,
that we might be fellow helpers to the truth.
3 John 8
A Word From Dr Finley
The heart of every pastor longs to serve a church that is alive with passion for the Lord Jesus Christ and for a lost world. I was no different during my days of pastoring, but liveliness and passion in my congregation seemed so elusive. Upon my search through the Scriptures and history for requirements to experience a needed revival, one thing became perfectly clear: no revival has occurred without God’s people first turning to prayer. Although I had a daily quiet time, I had to confess that the weakest point in my personal life and the weakest point in my church’s life was prayer.
With this conviction, the Lord moved me from the pastorate into a three year seclusion to learn from His Word and His Spirit principles for establishing the Scriptural priority of prayer in the life of both an individual and a church. For 25 years now, my wife and I have been blessed to see individuals and churches experience genuine, life-changing revival as they have built these principles of prayer into their lives.
We would certainly welcome the opportunity to share what the Lord has taught us in your church. We are convinced more than ever of the urgency of Peter’s challenge in I Peter 4:7 (Berkeley) that the end of all things is near; therefore we must be self-controlled so that we can pray! Would you ask the Lord if He desires to use us in your church?
A Word From Other Pastors
Dr Finley is gifted with an ability to cut through spiritual fluff and get to those basic spiritual issues which really matter.
Pastor Tommy Vinson
Leawood Baptist Church of Memphis, TN
Many church members thought that there was nothing new to learn about prayer until they attended the sessions where Biblical truths were dispensed with precise and terse clarity. Those who were hungry for meat felt that a feast was prepared for their spiritual growth.
Pastor Milfred Minatrea
Meadowbrook Baptist Church of Irving, TX
The prayer seminar was more like revival than any revival we have ever had.
Associate Pastor Larry Steverson
First Baptist Church of Tuttle, OK
Dr Finley’s ministry has long-term results that leave a church stronger and on the cutting edge of doing God’s work God’s way.
Pastor Chuck Herring
Mullins Station Baptist Church of Memphis, TN
The prayer ministry of our church has improved greatly. Our Wednesday evening prayer meeting is more focused on corporate concerns and we also have just started a time of prayer for the men of our church to pray together weekly for the unsaved and backslidden by name. God is already answering!
Pastor Ron Mahurin
Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church of Allentown, PA
Without a doubt Prayer Resources is the most practical approach and Biblical method to the pursuit of God-sent revival. You cannot remain unaltered after being exposed to Dr Finley’s ministry.
Pastor John Jenkins
Corinth Baptist Church of Jonesboro, GA