When the enemy shall come in like a flood,
the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against them.
Isaiah 59:19b
Online Articles
The following articles written by Dr Rob and Judy Finley have been taken from previous issues of The Threefold Cord and The Prophet’s Pulpit, both publications produced by Prayer Resources. Each of the copyrighted articles is available as a free download; however, they are available for re-publication only by written permission.
Prayer • Revival • Miscellaneous
Articles on Prayer
- How To Pray For Your Children
Hannah, the godly mother of Samuel, did not pray a generic “Lord bless my son” type of prayer for Samuel. Her prayers in the early chapters of 1 Samuel reveal four specific focuses in her son’s life.
- How To Pray With Your Children
While Hannah’s prayers for Samuel were a positive example of how to pray for your children, the priest Eli’s failures reveal challenges in a parent’s life to pray with their children.
- How To Pray For Our Country
When Israel’s King David observed his nation in decline and spiritual dryness, he cried out to the Lord with the words recorded in Psalm 63.
- How To Pray For The Sick
Principles found in James 5 reveal that praying for the sick should involve more than merely adding the sick person’s name to the church’s prayer list and hoping that people will remember to ask the Lord to bless them.
- How To Pray For Your Church
When man attempts to build the Lord’s work on earth, the prayer focus is on numerical strength, financial stability, program success, and worldly popularity; but when the work is built by the Lord Himself, the prayer focus is quite different. Jesus’ priestly prayer for His Church reveals specific priorities we should pray for our own church.
- How To Pray For Those Who Are Suffering
Today’s Christian has a very weak understanding of suffering. His only prayer goal is to make it end. In Romans 5, Paul – who knew his own fair share of suffering – set forth a marvelous pattern for us as we pray for those who suffer.
- How To Pray Against Failing Faith
Though Abraham is called the Father of Faith, the events throughout his life recorded in Genesis reveal repeated failing faith. His entire life was challenged by bizarre promises that seemed unfulfilled. Satan’s attacks upon Abraham’s faith through a series of tests give us practical insights in how to pray that our faith and the faith of others will not fail.
- Impacting Future Generations For Prayer
God promised the descendants of Jonadab, the Rechabite, that there would never be a time in the future when at least one of their descendants would not stand before the Throne of God! What must you do to have this promise of prayerfulness in the life of your family?
- How To Pray For The Nation Of Israel
The believer has the mandate to pray for the peace of Israel (Psalm 122:6) and the Scriptures give excellent guidelines for our prayers.
- Understanding Jesus’ Prayer Priorities
When Jesus was driven by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan, He also faced a crisis of His personal priorities. His choice of priorities when viewed in the context of His 40 days of prayer and fasting reveals to us His prayer priorities.
- The Downward Pull Of Our Prayers
The Psalmist grieves that his soul cleaves to the dust and cries out for a quickening according to God’s Word (Psalm 119:25). Do your prayers cleave to the dust as they focus on temporal requests?
- Strange Answers To Prayer
When Jesus visited Gadara, He encountered four unusual prayers and His answers to those prayers are unquestionably strange from a human perspective.
- Two Often Overlooked Essentials For Revival
The revival in Elijah’s day reveals the significance of the itinerant revivalist and the intercessory remnant of God’s people.
- The Duty Of A Pastor Desiring Revival
One of the greatest revivals recorded in Scripture is the day of Pentecost. The actions on the part of those in leadership during the dark days following Jesus’ departure from their presence reveal the clear duty of a pastor seeking revival among his congregation.
- Characteristics Of A Genuine Revival
The Biblical account of the Pentecost Revival in Acts 1 and 2 reveal specific characteristics of genuine revival.
- Discerning Genuine And Counterfeit Revival
In 2 Timothy 3, Paul utilized the Old Testament to clarify the revival of Pentecost and to warn his protégé young pastor Timothy against counterfeit movements.
- Recognizing The God Of Revival
The God of Revival was a stranger to His own people during the days of Jeremiah. Jeremiah’s lament challenges us to be discerning in our prayers for revival today.
- The Old Testament Prototype Of An Itinerant Ministry
The qualities of Samuel’s itinerant ministry described in 1 Samuel 7:15-17 should be reproduced in the itinerant ministries of today.
- Worshipping In Truth
Jesus said that true worshipers would worship the Father in spirit and in truth. Does your worship fit within the confines of the written law of truth?
- A Tale Of Two Lifestyles
After Ezekiel described the rotten culture in which he lived, he posed the question in Ezekiel 33:10: how should we then live. The lifestyles of Jesus described in Philippians 2 and the lifestyle of the reprobate described in Romans 1 present a strikingly parallel contrast to our choice of lifestyles.
- The Deception Of Today’s Heresies
Seven books in the New Testament address false teaching. Each one focuses on a different error that was threatening the Early Church. Today’s church is also under attack with the same seven errors.
- The Other Side – A World Of Demons and Prosperity
The dark world of the Gadarenes and their response to Jesus’ light give understanding to the world in which we live.