Recapturing the Biblical Epic of Prayer
This sweeping historical book traces prayer throughout the lives of the patriarchs, the judges, the kings, the prophets, Christ, and the apostles. We are excited to make this available in a newly revised form. Click on the link above to order.
What a joy it was to receive your book. I am certain that you know that your books (I hope that this does not approach sacrilege) contain “some things hard to understand”. And because they are not immediately and easily comprehended they demand a second or third or fourth reading, often interrupted for reflection and prayer. That, I think, is the hallmark of the author’s labor: he reaches deep into the Word and is led by the Spirit to communicate those insights which a lifetime of prayerful devotion and obedience have revealed. I remember my first reading of Recapturing Biblical Intercession, and how I found it unique among the many books on prayer that I had previously read. I remember that I discovered at that time that you have a unique gift for revealing the essence of God’s Word; that you do indeed speak with the voice of a prophet. Thank you again, Dear Brother, and may God continue to bless your ministry in His name.
With love,